{{ forms.lightswitchField({ first: true, label: "Enable Notification"|t, id: 'notificationEnabled', name: 'notificationEnabled', on: form.notificationEnabled, onLabel: "Enable"|t, offLabel: "Disable"|t }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: 'Email Recipients All fields can use dynamic values from the submitted form fields. Reference your form fields by wrapping the field name in curly braces. If your field is name="fields[email]" you would use: {email}.'|t, instructions: "Enter comma seperated email addresses to notify on form submission. Leave blank to disable notifications."|t, name: 'notificationRecipients', value: form.notificationRecipients, errors: (form is defined ? form.getErrors('notificationRecipients') : null), translatable: true, first: true }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Subject"|t, instructions: "The subject line of your notification email."|t, name: 'notificationSubject', value: form.notificationSubject, errors: (form is defined ? form.getErrors('notificationSubject') : null), translatable: true, }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Sender Name Consider the deliverability implications before you dynamically change your Sender Name."|t, instructions: "The name of the sender of your notification email"|t, name: 'notificationSenderName', value: form.notificationSenderName, errors: (form is defined ? form.getErrors('notificationSenderName') : null), translatable: true, }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Sender Email Address Consider the deliverability implications before you dynamically change your Sender Email Address."|t, instructions: "The 'From' email address of your notification email"|t, name: 'notificationSenderEmail', value: form.notificationSenderEmail, errors: (form is defined ? form.getErrors('notificationSenderEmail') : null), translatable: true, }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Reply To Email Address"|t, instructions: "The 'Reply To' email address of your notification email"|t, name: 'notificationReplyToEmail', value: form.notificationReplyToEmail, errors: (form is defined ? form.getErrors('notificationReplyToEmail') : null), translatable: true, }) }}